This may turn into a rant post. You have been warned. :-)
Most of the weekend was spent dealing with work. There was a major database upgrade and a lot of work centered around that. I get frustrated when other people make last minute decision changes and they do not work. Furthermore, decide to blame others for major failures. I won't go into details, but it really made me angry. I wonder why we go through the exercise of planning everything to the minute and no one wants to follow the plan. Annoying.
As many know, I have type 2 diabetes and my blood sugar has not always been stable. Heck, I can blow my blood sugar out of normal waters by eating some bread. It really does not take much.
Eating out or getting catered food is a real chore. I know I do well with grilled meats and fish. Generally, the restaurant will offer steamed vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, and/or spinach. Salads generally work well, too. However, when people cater food from places like Jason's Deli, you can always bet it will be sandwiches. Sometimes, catered food includes wraps, but even those have a bit of danger to them for me.
This week, my boss keeps telling my co-workers and me to go eat the catered lunch. I just can't do it. I know me all too well. I will eat the sandwiches and chips, then my blood sugar would take a huge spike. I would rather save my carbs for something special. Today, even though this place is carb heaven, I went to La Madeleine. I got a cup of tomato basil soup and the chicken caesar salad. No bread - honest! (Although, I was tempted.) In the end, my blood sugar dropped from 287 this morning to 139 before dinner. I am elated because I know I made the right choice. So I know, I have to keep up the good work to keep my numbers normal.
Since working on eating a low-carb diet, I make it a point to be mindful of other people's dietary needs. Not to mock them or single them out, but think about where to go to eat where it benefits everyone. In many cases, I have eaten at new restaurants and tried new foods that I really enjoyed.
I get how it is just common place to think:
Hey - I will cater in food for everyone working hard because they deserve it. I will get a bunch of sandwiches, chips, and cookies.
While that works for the majority of people, there are some of us where that is just not possible. I would rather go without than take the risks. In today's case, I had the option to get something healthy and I had choices: La Madeleine, Paradise Bakery (soup and salad), Boston Market. Sometimes, I wish a little more thought went into what is catered. I mean, those who are vegetarian/vegan should not always have salad as their only option. It would be nice if delis and such had better alternative fare.
This weekend, I will have to look into getting Bo and Chloe muzzles. I really hate to do that to them, but after tonight's incident, I have no other choice.
Chloe is more the instigator on this because she lived with my parents and no other dog. She ran the cats off when they were staying around the house. When I got Bo, she was not at all pleased with that. Eventually, she figured out she could tolerate him. (Bo lets Chloe have her way - if she is eating his food, he stays away.) To the point, Chloe is not very well socialized.
Bo, on the other hand, I tried to get him more socialized, but he is a bit like me. He allows others to walk all over him. I hope he did not pick that up from me, but I do know he can stand his ground.
When walking the two of them, they go out of control when someone opens their door, see another dog, kids running up to them, and other such incidents. When I was walking them tonight, this woman let her dog out without a leash. The dog barked at Bo and Chloe, and of course, they went nuts. I tried to get Bo and Chloe out of the situation, but the lady kept allowing her dog to get closer - she refused to pick the dog up. Well, Bo and Chloe started snapping and I think one of them bit the dog. I felt really bad about it, but I had tried to keep the dogs as close to me as I could - I was backed into someone's apartment doorway.
She finally picked up her dog and walked away - I did ask if the dog was okay. Still, it really made me angry that both dogs act like that. I was angry that the lady refused to pick up her dog. I was more angry with the fact that she was allowing her dog to run around without a leash. It kills me how people act. I know Bo and Chloe have issues. I try to work on them, but in this case, Chloe is an older dog and she is just too stubborn to change.
I tell my father about the incident and he just laughs, saying, "I guess Chloe is getting pretty cranky in her old age." That does not help.
Now, that I have that out of my system, maybe things will start looking up.