Sunday, July 22, 2012

Life and home a mess...

I think about it a lot, but I haven't really been able to put a lot of thought behind it - organizing my life and home.  Right now, both are a complete disaster area.  I bought some books on organization for my Kindle and I have been "trying" to read them.  Between work and dealing with the dogs, I barely get any "me" time.

As you know, I am trying to get back in the saddle again with eating properly.  For example, I fight with myself all of the time about getting something out to eat.  The lazier side of me wants to just run out and grab something.  The healthy side of me says that I have soup, salad, and etc already here - eat that!  So, I am sitting at the computer writing out my argument with myself.  LOL

I have so many things I *need* to do and *want* to do.  I try to merge time for all of that during my weekend.  Unfortunately, it seems my time gets spread very thinly.  I should look at the positive.  For instance, I managed to get the following done yesterday:

  • 5 loads of laundry washed and folded
  • Emptied the dishwasher of clean dishes and loaded up with the dirty dishes
  • Cleared a slow draining drain in my bathroom
  • Gathered up some of the clutter, sorted through it, and trashed what I no longer needed
  • Cleared out stuff collecting by the ice machine in the kitchen
  • Got started on installing Oracle11g R2 on to my Toshiba laptop that I installed Fedora Core 16
I should look at that list and be proud.  Unfortunately, I still have a ton of clutter to clear, more clothes to wash, I need to vacuum desperately, and that is just the beginning.  I never seem to have time to do the things I would really like to do such as go swimming, play glow golf, and go to the movies.  (Well, after this past Thursday night in Colorado, the movie thing might be somewhat off-putting)

I do not want to be considered a "hoarder."  I just never seem to have time to put into running what I have planned.  I get side-tracked a lot and I need to get back to telling myself "Focus!  You can do this and don't run off to do something else with someone - you are just escaping!"

With that all being said, time for me to bid adieu to my computer for a little while and get back to the grind.  Time to try out the slow cooker bags for a meal of Chicken and Mushrooms.  Hope it turns out good.

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