Saturday, October 1, 2016

Update on My Back and Other Health Related Things...

On Monday, I went in for another set of test nerve blockers injected into my back.  Pre-surgical procedure was a nightmare due to the nurse having issues getting a good vein for the IV.  Ended up putting in the IV right under my wrist because she could see that vein.  Granted, I do not care for IVs period, this is really not an area I want an needle anywhere.  It is very soft and tender, therefore, when she inserted the "stick", it hurt like hell.

Compound matters - she had to remove the IV because it was not dripping.  So, I had to go through that hell again on my left hand.  Luckily, another nurse came in and she asked for a vein finder.  What an interesting tool!  The infrared is able to show all of the veins in the area where it is flashed.  That nurse got the IV in on top of my left hand with no issues. 

Frankly, I am a true weenie when it comes to this IV business.  I despise it.  I felt even worse because I without saying anything, I was crying because it really did hurt.  Today, I still have this massive bruise under my right wrist and it hurts like hell.  I have no unkind words for the nurses - they were very nice and caring.  This was my third time at this surgical center and all of the people there are very lovely, so I have no ill will towards any of them.  The IV business is a tricky one and I am a huge weenie when it comes to needles.  So, I thank them for their patience with me.

Then, anesthesiologist came by to check on my paper work.  The nurses had to draw blood from the IV 3 times.  Apparently, my potassium levels were high.  Now, he tried to put me at ease by telling me that it was probably due to pulling from the IV due to the fluid mixture being flowed into my veins.  Still, that makes me sit and wonder if that is what is causing my muscles, glutes and hamstrings, to ache so much.  The idea is worth researching just to make sure.  

The anesthesiologist also mentioned that I had more anethesia given to me on my last visit than the first one.  This guy did the work the first time I had a shot in my back.  Apparently, I moved while I was on the table.  I told him that the only thing I remember on that visit was I was discussing REM with the other doctor as he was injecting the medication in my veins.  After that, the nurse kept saying "Melissa, are you going to wake up?"  (Sounded like my mom, but you know how it is when you are that doped up.)  I explained that when I woke up, it was difficult to shake off the grogginess.

Before I entered the procedure room, the anethesiologist gave me a sedative.  That stung, but it made my head start spinning and relaxed my body before we got in the room.  I vaguely remember getting on the table and he giving me the medication to knock me out before I was actually OUT.  

Like last time, I had a hard time waking up from the medication.  Anesthesiologist was there by my side.  He told me that I had moved again and he had to give me more medication, so he was there to make sure I woke up.  I thought that was nice of him.

When I to go the recovery room, I got a coke and some animal crackers.  Once I ate and drank a bit, I had to put on my clothes.  For the first time, I actually felt like I did not have complete control over my body.  My back felt sore, but it was hurting before I had gone in for the procedure.

Like last time, I had to keep a pain diary for the next 3 hours.  Generally, my back was okay, but my muscles were so stiff and sore.  So, that made me a bit frustrated.  Since my father had driven me for the procedure, he had asked if we could stop by Fry's - he wanted to get some additional memory for his computer.  I said as long as I could get something to eat, which was not difficult to do.  I work in the area where Fry's is located in Plano, so we stopped by Casa Cha-Cha's for lunch, then I directed him to how to get to Fry's.  I had him avoid the high traffic areas, so getting there was pretty easy.

Yesterday, my back doctor said it would appear that the test worked.  Now, I have to be scheduled for two procedures.  In about a month, I will have a procedure to have the right side done and two weeks later, I will have the left side done.  At that point, I suppose we shall pray that life returns somewhat normally.

I was talking to a co-worker over the phone the other day.  I mentioned that two and half years ago, I had a couple of options of what I wanted to do with some of my bonus money from work.  I had set aside $500.  At the time, I had lost 35 lbs and I was doing a lot of walking.  Of course, you hear that one also needs strength training.  I thought I could get a personal trainer or I could use that money to get the hair around my chin removed.  (Apparently, I have too much of some hormone and that is the only place I would love to get rid of hair.)  I chose the personal trainer.  By June of that year, that was when I started experiencing back issues.  I do not blame the trainer - stuff happens all of the time.  However, I am saddened in that my original plan was to at least lose 50 lbs and get in some sort of shape so that I could walk the yearly Turkey Trot for Thanksgiving.  I have never been one who was a runner, but I could walk.  I had wanted to do that in order to see friends in Fort Worth.  While I am not a competitive person, I thought this activity would be really fun to do and also, I would not need to feel badly about eating so much because I would have done my exercise.

Now, I have trouble just walking the dogs.  While I try not to have a pity party for myself, I get angry for what has happened.  Sometimes, I will just think - Why in the hell did you just not go for the laser hair removal?!

I still would like to get into better shape in order to walk the Turkey Trot.  While I may not be able to compete with my friends, I would be there for myself and that would be all that mattered.

So, with that in mind, I saw my endocrinologist on Thursday.  My numbers look a bit better, but he noted the increase in a two week period.  I stated it was probably due to seasonal allergies and I take Claritin for that.  The medication has a tendency to raise my blood sugar.  I have to slowly increase the amount of extended release insulin from 80 to 90.  His goal is 110, but honestly, I would rather drop weight and drink more water, so I did not have to increase.  The more I increase my insulin use, the harder it is to lose weight.

I saw my dietician and chiropractor on Friday.  Dietician noted that in the past month, I had lost 3.8 lbs.  I will take that, but I am still swollen for some reason.  I need to take my water pill to help flush that out of my system.  She provided me with some tips on how to evaluate my food intake.  I already use my 9" plates for whenever I eat at home.  The smaller plate fools your mind into thinking that you are eating a full plate.  I work on the plate system where half of my plate is non-starchy veggies, one quarter is protein, and the other quarter is starchy veggies/grains.  I need to get in the habit of measuring everything.  When I get pretty OCD about my food intake, I do really well at losing weight.

As for the chiropractor, I explained that my muscles are so stiff and tense - you could put a piece of coal in between them and get a diamond within 15 minutes.  That is what makes it so difficult to walk.  It is even worse when you experience that sharp back pain, then when your muscles come into play, gee - give a person a chance, you know?

All in all, I really feel that I am hitting rock bottom.  I have to do something more and that will be sorting out how to get exercise done.  Everyone suggests water aerobics.  While I am not opposed to that, it is getting a gym membership to a place that has a pool, when are classes scheduled, and getting a bathing suit.  Money and research.  I would go back to the YMCA down the street from my apartment, but it does not have a pool and the only thing I could use is the recumbant bikes.  Also, most of the classes I would like to take, like Yoga, are during working hours.

I know my company has deals with various health fitness clubs.  I will just have to do the research, work the budget, and locate one nearby that can provide something for someone like myself.  All I know is that I need to have faith in that if I drop weight, that could very well help me out of my current health situation in more ways than one.  I really cannot go on like this much longer. 


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