Saturday, August 6, 2011

Bright and Early...

On Monday, both dogs had an appointment with the vet.  Chloe had blood work done and Bo had to get his annual shots.  The vet put both dogs on temaril-p and since they have been getting the pill twice a day, they have been drinking the water like crazy.  Of course, that means, they have to go potty more frequently.

On one hand, I feel badly for them because I know going to pee so often is a real pain.  I will have to do that sometimes when I am not taking my diabetes meds.  There will be those constant trips to the bathroom to pee.  However, I really wish that both dogs were better behaved when going for a walk.  I am getting pretty frustrated with getting pulled in two different directions. 

Of course, I am lucky that they do not have my usual issue - making that different type of bathroom trip.  That usually happens when I am getting back to taking my diabetes meds and even after staying on them.  That one is not at all pleasant.  In fact, I have tried to let that stuff run its course, but with work, I end up stopping it with Immodium-AD.  The bad part about that is sometimes, it takes having to take 3 to 4 of those pills to end it.  Otherwise, it is a trip every 5 to 10 minutes until there is just water coming out and even then, it will continue.

I am sure you wanted to hear all of that!  It is a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation.  All I am striving to do is get to some common ground.

I made an appointment to see my doctor this coming Wednesday.  I decided that rather than feel rushed that day, I would just take the day off.  This way, I would be more relaxed when seeing the doctor.  I am trying to get back on the "wagon" and put me before anyone or anything else. 

It has not been easy, but I am really trying to make the effort.  Last night, I read in Woman's Day magazine about two women who had the lap-band surgery.  I felt their pain regarding their weight.  Believe me, I wish I had about 100 pounds off of my frame.  I have already said that if got to even 180 pounds, I would not care.  It would be a sight better than where I am now. 

Anyway, the ladies spoke of the side-effects and the magazine even put a chart that described each weight-loss procedure and their good/bad points.  To the point, though, the magazine stated that doctors say that it is best to change eating habits and increase exercise.  This is the main reason why I resist surgery.  I do not want to deal with the side effects and those could be life threatening.  If I can change what and how much I eat and get more exercise into my life, I know I could drop the weight. 

Trying to understand my state of mind and such during all of this change is why I started this blog.  This is not something you just do for a short period of time - it has to be a life-long change.  My problem that I am working on is how to make it work and stay with it.  How to kill the bad habits and keep from doing them because that is what is in play here.  I allow stress to eat at me and feel like I can never escape it.  Therefore, I give it as the reason why I reach for the sweet or really fattening stuff.  I need to learn to channel that to something else.

While reading Woman's Day, another article described how to take time out for that "one little good thing" that would relax us, such as reading or even folding laundry.  I do see where folding laundry is a fulfilling task.  It does not require a lot of mental work, but you have accomplished a goal at the end.  So, you get a calming reward at the end.  Oddly enough, I have laundry to fold.  I usually save that sort of thing for the weekends, but I should carve out more time to do it during the week.

That is another bad habit I need to break:  Saving housework chores for the weekend.  I feel like I bust my butt all week, sometimes, 24x7 when I am on-call, then have all of this housework to do on the weekends.  By the time Sunday night hits, I am still tired and wishing I did not have to go back to work.

To put a good feel spin on this post, I completed both of my on-line courses.  Now, I did not get all of my assignments completed, but I did get the quizzes and final done.  I got an 86 for both finals, which I am willing to live with considering work and such.  Also, the course was not for a grade, so I had even less pressure on me.  I am thinking of taking another class, but I think I will mull it over a bit more first.

Time to wrap up.  Need to get my blood sugar and blood pressure readings, then give the dogs their meds and figure out what I am going to have for breakfast.  Unfortunately, my cupboard is getting pretty thin.  Time to go grocery shopping.

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