Saturday, September 7, 2013

True Fatigue or Just Feeling the Beat Down...

Not quite sure if my problem is related to by past illness for the past 3 weeks or what.  I get up in the morning, walk the dogs, eat breakfast, and quickly feel dragged down.  It is like I exerted all of my energy in one burst and have to recover before tackling anything else.

At this point, the situation is very annoying.  I just want to have a lot of energy to get the stuff done that needs to be done.  I can understand being dragged down when I was really deep in being sick and having to work long nights.  Now, I am starting back on my way up out of that and I wish I could feel much better.  I suppose this bout of illness has truly knocked me off my feet.

Tomorrow, I need to get up early and get the groceries done.  My plan is to cut up my veggies and fruit and place in containers for the week.  As for the dinner, I think another week of cooking meals and eating the leftovers sounds like a great plan.  Jambalaya and Hungarian Chicken Goulash sound like a really good couple of meals.  Both are great the first day, but after the ingredients meld together, the meals taste better.

I think my low blood sugar days are over.  Last night, I measured my blood sugar before getting dinner and it was 126.  When I got home with dinner, it had climbed to 192.  I tried to enjoy it while I could, but I figured that something had to be wrong or I was doing something that I did not realize.

Going to give myself another 15 minutes, then I am going to get up and start straightening up the living room.  I would like to lie on the sofa with the dogs and watch a movie.  Just need to rearrange the cushions, vacuum the sofa down, then freshen up the cushions with some Febreeze.  After that, put down some colorful beach towels and blankets for the dogs and myself.

I just realized that my sofa is 12 years old.  Before I moved out of my parents house (after feeling that my mom would be okay), I would pay my mom rent.  She saved that money and used it to buy me my sofa.  She let me pick it out and liked it as well.  However, when I bought the parson chairs for the old kitchen table she had, she made a comment about my decorating skills.  I had too many neutral colors.  LOL

I probably should buy another sofa, but quite honestly, I haven't the heart.  I love that sofa and it is one of the things my mom got for me.  When I sit/lie on it, I think about her.  I know she hated it when I moved out, but she was proud of me for making it on my own.  That worried her more.

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