Thursday, November 10, 2016

Thoughts and Feelings Regarding the Latest Presidential Election...

This year, the country needed to elect a new President.  Barack Obama cannot run as he has been in office for 8 years.  Has his presidency improved my situation over the past 8 years?  Not really.  In fact, it made it worse.  The Government health plan is wrought with issues.  People do need health care, but companies are not really doing their part to help provide that.  Did I see the administration do much about the corporations outsourcing jobs to other countries for lower wages?  No.  The situation only got worse.

So, when the process started, I was surprised that Biden did not run.  Then, again, I remember when he tried to run and he ended up dropping out over plagiarism.  I figured he did not want to go through that.  

Next, Hilary Clinton put her hat into the ring.  I lived through the "Clinton Years" in the 90s and I still have a bad taste in my mouth over that.  I flat out do not trust the woman.  I would have preferred Condalezza Rice to have run for office.  I would have voted for her in a heartbeat!

Bernie Sanders - I really could not get behind his plans.  

Then, there was the Republican offers.  Jeb Bush was probably the only one I would have voted for in that group.  However, in the end, Donald Trump was able to kick each and every one of them to the curb.  For the record - I cannot stand Donald Trump.  He is a loud, obnoxious, inconsiderate, ugly soul man.  At the same time, everything you need to know about him is out in the open.

The debates that took place between both candidates was a complete farce.  I felt I was back in middle school listening to two kids bad mouthing the other and going on about what they would do to one another.  There was no high road with either of them and it was just plain sad.

For me - neither candidate truly expressed what they would do to help this country.  When faced with the violence, neither had an answer.

When November 8th rolled around, Donald Trump won the electoral vote, so he wins the presidency, even though Hilary won the popular vote.  So, I can understand why people do not want to exercise their right to vote - the common man really has no say.  A group of elitists do.

It is what it is.  I did not want or vote for either candidate.  However, I am stuck with whoever wins the electoral college.  Okay - let's see what happens.  That is my attitude - let's see what happens.  Maybe he will be a good president; maybe he will suck.  However, I said the same thing when Barack Obama took office.  I did not like either candidate, nor did I vote for either.  However, like it or not, I said the same thing - "Let's see what happens."

So, now, I am going to voice my opinion regarding the reaction that so many people have had with this outcome - this is my right:

Hilary/Democratic voters:  Hilary made mistakes.  While a candidate cannot be everywhere, it does no good to shun the "common voter" to hob-nob with celebrities.  If you look at how the electoral college was broken down, those hardworking farmers and so forth were not happy with the current administration.  Those people did not wish to see another 4-8 years of the same thing.  Furthermore, I am appalled at the attitudes of those who consider themselves "open-minded" and so forth.  You label these people as "racists" and "misogynistic" because they voted for Trump.  Seriously?!  I would imagine a small minority are that way - a larger amount are concerned with how the current administration is basically taking from them to provide for others who are not carrying their weight.  Those people are screaming for help and to be heard.  Rather than insult and shun them, take some time to hear their fears and help.

I know all of you are hurting because you are so passionate for your candidate, but all of this gnashing of teeth, squandering around, and so forth - accept it.  I have accepted every single president elect in my 50 years on this earth.  It won't hurt you to think:  It is what it is.  I may not like this outcome, but I will get through this.  If I do not like what is going on, then by God, I am ripping out some people in congress in two years.  In the meantime, I am going to keep an eye on what I can do locally to make changes to improve not only my life, but others around me.  How about expending that energy there?

Trump/Republican voters:  I think it is right that Donald not accept the $400,000 salary.  He is wealthy enough.  Furthermore, make sure that Trump is surrounded by good, solid people who will guide him in the right direction.  Squelch building a wall - remember how well that went over in Berlin - it makes no sense, seriously.  This country was built by foreigners - let's try to make it better for the hardworking illegal immigrants to become naturalized citizens.  Help make health care more affordable - let's do something about these CEOs buying companies and raising medicine prices - it is beyond insane.  Also, how to make sure the doctors, labs, and so forth are not screwing the patients (I have my own story regarding this).

No gloating - you have a long road to haul here and you need to back your word and do your part.  There is a large part of America looking for better changes.  If anything, Democrats and Republicans MUST come together to help heal this country - it is in dire pain.  We have so many issues to fix and I know one President cannot fix what is wrong, but as a collective, we have to come together and do our part.

After you read this, consider the following:

Can Trump really make a lot change in his term in office?  He can try, but I doubt seriously a lot of that will be done.

Are these issues that the President/Congress really need to address or is this something I need to start addressing on a local level?  I think  you will find that internally, we have a shitload of work we need to do and we need to quit demanding someone else do that dirty work for us.  We need to step up and get dirty - it may get nasty at first, but in the end, we will all be better for it.

Lastly - What if - what if Trump actually does a good job?  The very least we can do is give him a chance.  Forego all of the insanity and let's just focus on trying to do the right thing.  I think we can all learn something from all of this.

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