Sunday, November 27, 2016

When You Think About It...

Yesterday, I read someone's comment to a post regarding the "Gilmore Girls" - something to the effect of "I was too busy being pregnant and raising children to watch that show."  It reminded me of this comedy routine from two women making the comment that pregnant women are too smug.  Truth is - they are right.

As of late, I read so many women my age going on about raising children and the sacrifices that they made.  Because of that, they feel entitled to certain things.  You know, I look at this from a different point of view - that of the single, childless female worker. 

No matter what order, the decisions to have a child and get married are made by you.  No one told you that you had to do them - it was a choice that you made.  However, those of us that do not make that choice are looked down upon and expected to give up their vacations during the holidays in order for you to fulfill your plans because you have a family.  I mean, how much more blatant could that whole scenario be explained as well as in the movie While You Were Sleeping.  Sandra Bullock's character is single and childless, but her co-workers expected her to give up all of her holidays for them to spend with their families.

While I realize that those times are very special in the "family" dynamic, I think those same people need to realize that you cannot consistently call upon your single, childless co-workers to work every holiday season.  Allow those people opportunities to spend time with their parents or families.  Not every single, childless person is an "orphan" - some do have their parents and other family members that they would like to see during the holidays.

It really makes me sad when people use their life choices as excuses for why they do not like something.  You know what, you do not like it - I don't need your excuse.  That is almost as bad as listening to a friend go on about how much she does not like cornbread.  Or the nasty look she gives when something does not appeal to her and she expects her company to feel the same.  Just to piss people like that off, I go for it.  You did not want dessert or even that type of dessert, hey, more for me - bring it!

This life is just too fucking short for that sort of behavior.  Someone does not like "Gilmore Girls", then turn off the TV and walk away - don't post about it or anything like that because it is just stupid and makes that person look like a pompous ass. 

I feel a lot of my irritability towards this behavior is because of the election.  Never more than this election have I felt that I had to be conform myself into some damn box.  I am a fucking human being and I have my opinions and thoughts.  They may not agree with you, but rather than just agreeing to disagree and remain friends, I have to deal with smug, snotty attitudes on both sides.  Seriously - this world has bigger issues - get the fuck over it.  As for having children and raising them, that was a choice you made and good for you for making an effort to do a good job.  However, do not hold that over my head as if you are better than me.  You made a choice and I made a choice.  Neither are better than the other, so there is no sense in trying to make that choice look like one is better than the other.  It is not an opportunity to use as an excuse - you made a choice - that is it.

People scream for equality all day, every day.  How can you have equality when among ourselves, we put ourselves above one another for one thing or another?  That has to stop in order to make sure we are all equal.  Otherwise, it just continues.

So, the next time someone uses the excuse that they decided to have a family and so forth, I plan on making sure that I let them know - "Hey!  That was your choice - just be honest with yourself - it was not an interest of yours and live with it."

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