Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Clutter, Clutter, Clutter - Reorganize...

Life since my mom's passing has been nothing but quiet.  Before she passed away, the apartment was manageable, but quickly got out of control after I started spending more and more time at her house and not mine.  Once she passed away, it seemed that work overtook the time that I was spending with my mom.  I was lucky to get the laundry and dishes washed.

One of the things I had to come to grips with was that my job was not my life.  It is a part of my life, but it should not be my life.  I made the effort to change positions, so that I could concentrate on my life and health.  I will admit, I felt that those in charge did not believe in "my health", I had to take care of it.  When I made decisions regarding my life, those same people were angry with me because they were depending upon me to continue to do that job.  On reflection, that is their problem, not mine.

I got a personal trainer to help me understand how to do certain exercises and try to help me be more active.  My problem is that after I would finish with some sessions, my muscles and such would ache for days, thus preventing me from wanting to do any more.  I finally got the point where I just did not walk in place as I had done.

I am trying to take some time this month to re-evaluate where I can make improvements in my life.  I want to lose weight to be healthier, feel better, and wear better clothing.  While I feel like a slob most of the time, that is pretty much the best I can do clothing-wise.  

Next, I want to clear the clutter in my apartment and sort out what to keep and throw out.  It is appeasing to be a minimalist and downsize to the point of where it all looks great.  However, what if that system does not work.  I am reading a book by Julie Morgenstern, Organizing From the Inside Out.  The direction she takes is do not just "attack" the problem, but you need to examine what it is that is causing you not to handle it.  Figure out what is preventing you from getting to where you want to be and not get caught in the vicious circle of clearing and having it start all over again.

Most importantly, you have to find a system that works for YOU.  Sure, there are so many different tips and tricks, but what if it does not work for you?  If you throw out something you have not used in 6 months, that may not work for you as you could throw out something important.  I get the minimalist ideal, but there are extremes.  Everyone has a system that makes them happy.  I need to find that and incorporate it.

So, as I look inward for self-development, it should be an interesting adventure.

Today, we believe God wants you to know that ...

creativity is good for the soul.

Creativity is when your spirit gets a chance to play and express itself. So whether art, dance, cooking, making music, writing, or creating a garden, let yourself go! Create!

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