Sunday, May 18, 2014

Where to Next?

When I started down this weight-loss path, I had some unrealistic ideas and thoughts.  Some information hit me like a ton of bricks and seriously brought me to my knees.  Reality is - losing weight is not going to make everything better.  The fact of the matter is that losing weight will help me be healthier and allow me to live longer, but it also poses some other issues.  One of which will be excess skin.  

That thought has crossed my mind several times.  Personally, it is going to have to be one of those things I will need to manage.  My biggest issue is with those weight-loss advertisements where they show before and after - they never show the true "AFTER".  As long as the skin has not stretched out too far, it may retract back to normal.  I already know I am far past that point.  For some of those advertisements, the others were past that point as well.

A friend shared the following link today and it really hit home for me.  Bottom line - you have to love yourself - flaws and all.  Those are the things that really make you, well, YOU.  So what if I have one boob larger than the other?  I have an "innie" and not an "outie".  I lose this weight, I will have flabby skin.  That will be the truth.  However, it will also prove to be my mark on a long, suffering struggle to be healthy.  

Perhaps, I lost my point in losing weight on this journey.  I wanted something so out of my reach and unrealistic.  That was very stupid on my part and I have allowed that to hurt me and my goals.  My goals were not focused on beauty and such - mainly to have fun and enjoy life.  It is time to get back to reality and focus on having fun and enjoying life.  Who cares about flabby skin?  I am going to love me for me.  There is only one of me and no other. 

Weight Loss - AFTER 

Her Blog Site:  Dear Internet

Since I have been in my downward tumble, this week, the exhaustion factor has quadrupled.  I barely could keep my head up at work.  Coming home, I was so exhausted that as soon as I walked the dogs, I would take a 3 to 4 hour nap and still not feel energized.  I was not happy about any of that.

So, I have to get back to what I was doing at the beginning of the year.  I think February and March were my best months.  My blood sugar did not rise tremendously and was never exhausted like I am now.  I suppose that adds more credence to the fact that living clean does keep you fueled.

I have made some amazing progress in the area of building up my core.  Most of the time, I cannot realize it - I just do not see it.  However, being so overweight, I would have never thought I could ever do a push up.  I have done them.  I won't lie - they were not easy and my abdomen lets me know about it whenever I cough or sneeze.  Still, the muscles are there.  I picked up a case of water bottles today with a bit more ease.  I could actually feel that.  That made me feel really good about what I have been doing.

It is all so difficult.  Every choice is fraught with some downside.  Just like voting in any election, you need determine the lesser of the evils.  What can you live with?  That is what I am trying to do now.

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