Sunday, January 18, 2015

Experimentation and Getting Back on Track...

Ah, Sunday.  It is the day that ends the week for most as well as creates dread at night.  That pounding dread of "Gosh, I have to go to work tomorrow," "I have only so many hours to get this/that project done before tomorrow," or "I got so little done this weekend - I wish I had more time."  We have all that going through our heads.

This week, I am going to begin "again."  That cheat meal has lasted over two months and now, it is time to eat healthier.  I thought through everything that was going right last year about this time and began to realize some of my faults.  More or less, the weight came off pretty quickly and I began the expectation that should be normal.  Reality is for weight to come off that quickly is not healthy and furthermore, it just adds to the already damaging "yo-yo-ing" I have been doing most of my life.

I am already preparing myself for the weight conversation with my doctor.  I accept responsibility for what I ate and did not do in order to counter-balance.  However, the point being is that I need to be consistent and that has been difficult for me to do.  I was viewing my trainer's diet and it always amazed me.  She never really "ate" much for her meals, but she had more heavier things to eat for snacks.  Now, most of that stuff was either powdered proteins and the like.  However, it was constantly eating grilled chicken and steamed broccoli - either for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.  All of the time.  

Sure there was a little bit of a mix up, but not much.  Do most people eat the same things every day?  I mean, the same thing for breakfast each and every day or is there any variety?  Growing up, we always had some sort of variety with dinner.  Breakfast would be pretty much the same during the week - something quick like oatmeal or cinnamon toast with hot chocolate when I was much younger.

What makes better sense for me is to plan my meals.  Take the headache out of determining what to eat each day.  It is never easy for those of us constantly struggling with weight issues.  Even worse, having to deal with doctors who give the disapproving eye or want to try quick and easy fixes.  Life is difficult enough - no one needs the added pressure - we already know what is there.  It is the choices we make.

Financially, I won't sugar coat it - it will be a hard year, but I will manage it.  It is going to sting a bit keeping the trainer, but honestly, it is the one thing that keeps me going.  I look forward to the workouts, but wish I could figure out why I cannot follow through on my own.  That is definitely another aspect I need to rectify.

Other experiments in the works:

  • Drink 1-2 gallons of water a day.  I hear it make a huge difference with your skin and it will definitely help with keeping the blood sugar at bay
  • Moisturizer and wrinkle creams.  I plan on starting that regime on Monday.  I want to see a difference with my forehead and around my lips.  Sort of goes with the weight loss program - the wrinkles did not happen overnight, so do not think they will go away overnight
  • Trying teeth whitener.  Let's see how well Crest really does
  • Measure and log everything I eat and drink - I do it to a certain extent, but I need to crack down and be more strict
 Monday will be a new "start" for many things.  I just need to make sure I stay the course and not get discouraged.

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