Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Too Much Stuff...

I am the "Queen of Misplaced Items."  I actually understand how a messy person can get really frustrated with someone straightening up their desk, too.  I have been working on clearing out the clutter.  I realized I have obviously misplaced my doctor's instructions, blood work test results, my spare car key, and my work badge.  I also noticed I am missing some clothing, but I truly believe that they are hidden.

Seems like every time I start working on an overhaul, I always misplace things.  I stress over it because it is frustrating.  I just need to come to terms with putting items in a particular place.  I did manage to find my spare car key in a purse I was no longer using.  I found my badge in my larger purse - in side of my teal wallet.  DOH!

Now, I have a mess on my bed of items all over the place.  That is okay.  This forces me to go through it and do a bit of organization.  Bathroom items, place in the bathroom.  Kitchen items, place in the kitchen.  Anything expired or do not use/have not used, toss 'em out.  The paper items, I am gathering that to put into a clear plastic bag to take to a shredder service.  I see no reason to sit at my own shredder and burn it out.  Also, I think $25 for the whole lot will save me a lot of time and I will start fresh on shredding items as they come into the home.

Health-wise - Some days are better than others.  I have not been getting my 10,000 steps in every day as I was doing.  That frustrates me because I know I can do better.  I need to do better.

Today, I saw a posting for someone who is running into some money issues due to medical bills.  It really reinforces the thoughts I have regarding losing this weight and trying to get healthy.  I want to be able to do a lot of things.  I may never actually run, but I want to continue to just walk.  Walking is the easiest thing any of us can do, exercise-wise.  I may roll my eyes at my personal trainer on whatever exercise she wants me to do.  However, in my mind, I realize I have to do it.  I am doing it to make my body stronger and to do the things I want to be able to do.  I am on an important journey.  I need to quit putting time limits on it - I just need to learn the lessons I find on this journey and keep those in mind.  I think that is what is really wearing me down - time lines.  Weight goals are one thing, but putting a time line on the goal is not really healthy.  Just work towards eating right and getting that exercise done.  I know I feel better and definitely sleep better.

So, by clearing out the clutter in my home, I am trying to create that calm place where I can escape from the world and rest.

God's Message to Me Today:

when you need a break, - take a break.

You will often find that the world does not crumble when you are resting. Others will move in to take care of those details that you think cannot be done without you.

This is something I am trying to learn every day.

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