Thursday, October 16, 2014

First Week Back Is Always the Hardest...

I took the bull by the reins and forged forward with my plans to change my life.  Well, working on changing the physical vision.  It is definitely a struggle.  Loads of crap still in the apartment and I hate wasting food.

Last night, I finished off the leftover pizza.  This afternoon, I had the leftover Chinese food.  I even got rid of the spinach dip.  

Now, you are asking yourself "How is that changing your life?"  Well, I have been drinking the hunger shakes twice a day and I am working on trying to walk more, striving for the 10,000 steps a day.  Also, cutting back on the sodas and drinking more water.  I felt I had to rid myself of the garbage, so that I may bring into my life the "good stuff".  My blood sugar has been showing signs that the change is working.

In the beginning, my blood sugar actually reached 543 one afternoon.  No matter how much water I was drinking was not bringing that number down.  However, doing this turn around, my numbers are dipping down in the low 100s.  As a matter of fact, I reached 81 on my blood sugar and I was getting dizzy and the shakes.  Happy for the number, but unhappy over the side-effects.

Yes, this is a LONG HAUL to change my physical self, but that is not about being vain.  It is about being healthy.  I had a vision at the beginning of this year and quite honestly, no reason why I cannot achieve it.  I need to quit worrying over how someone will view me.  I need to be happy with myself.  Maybe that huge crush I have won't be interested in me, but I would love to be happy with me.  Therefore, I am trying to change those things that I can change.  Anything I cannot change will just have to remain and work around it.

How is that for positivity?!

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