Saturday, February 28, 2015

When It Feels It Is All Crashing Down Around You...

This past weekend, my group had a major deployment.  Over all, I take my hat off to my group.  The project was fast tracked from the April date we all agreed to this past weekend.  There are still some issues here and there that need to be ironed out, but seriously, this huge project needed the additional time.  Therefore, what the team was able to do and test, it was amazing.

At the same time, Mother Nature decided to give North Texas one last shot at winter with several days of very cold, nasty weather.  Now, honestly, I prefer the cold to the hot.  In Texas, you experience both.  Those that love the heat, love the summer months.  I love the fall, winter, and spring months, but despise summer.  Sunday started the freezing rain and sleet, so that on Monday, the roads were icy.  You can bet I stayed home and worked.  I was thankful for having a job that allowed me to do that.  I would have taken a vacation day, otherwise.

During the course of the past couple of weeks, my laptop has had one problem or another.  During deployment, my mouse would not allow me to "focus" on various window areas.  I spent Monday with tech support trying to sort out that issue.  Yesterday, I ran into the issue where the system said the trust between the laptop and the domain had failed.  Next, Outlook was hosed.

Since the weather was nasty most of the week, I worked from home.  The dogs were pretty happy about that.  However, there were those times I dreaded having to walk them.  I have no idea who designed this apartment complex, but I have to scratch my head.  The streets are not flat.  As you drive around the complex, you notice that many of the driveways slope downward.  When the driveway gets iced over, I do not dare try to back out of my garage.  I have seen people struggle with trying to get their vehicles into closed in driveways with the roads are icy.  Probably the most amazing - watching cars come around the sloped downward road corner where my apartment resides.  The cars slide from the top of the road right into the corner.

So, that is why I dread walking the dogs - sloped streets and ice mean a good possibility of sliding.  That was exactly what happened last night.  Bo and Chloe were in a hurry to get back to the apartment and had not realized I lost my traction cleats during our walk.  I slid and fell right on my knee.  I had trouble just getting traction to get up - I kept falling down.  Sadly, no one in my neighborhood came out to help.  I scooted across the road to the corner where my apartment is, then there was enough snow for traction to get up.  I put the dogs back into the apartment, then went in search for my traction cleats.  

I found the cleats and returned home.  My left knee was telling me how bad that fall really was, so I tried to sit down and give it some rest.  Yeah - that was not happening.  Bo jumps in my lap and starts licking me like there is no tomorrow.  That is usually his signal to you that he needs to go back outside and poop.  Yep - that was exactly that and I just broke down.

I got my clothes back on and ran him outside to do his business.  I came home and tried to eat my dinner.  That was an ordeal due to both dogs acting like my soup should be their meal.

What upset me was that the things I really want/needed to get done were not getting done.  Next Friday, I will get U-Verse installed and I seriously need to work on the apartment.  Between work and the dogs, nothing is getting done.  As I sit here writing this, I am looking around at where to start.  

Sometimes, everything builds up and overwhelms me.  Last night, I took a friend's advice.  I fixed myself a small drink and just sat in silence.  I am not saying alcohol solves problems - that is not the point.  The point for me is just relax and reflect.  Realize that sure, it seems like everything is falling apart, but be thankful for what you have.  

It is just time to put down boundaries and get stuff done.  Also, I want to get a house, but I doubt it will be this year.  I need to stop thinking negative about that and my weight.  I may have to wait, but as I work towards it, the wait will be worth it.

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