Monday, September 7, 2015

Re-Evaluation of Financial Situation...

I have made great strides with budgeting, but there is more work that needs to be done.  I need to crack down, as with my weight loss, on spending.  One of the things I have noticed was that I have been getting food out a lot.  That needs to stop.

I have managed to purchase a few things that should keep me entertained.  This way, I lower my entertainment spending.  I have signed up for free on-line courses, so that I would not spend any money, but at least, get some more knowledge under my belt.  My biggest problem has been time, but I think scheduling will be the next big obstacle to tackle.

Rather than go out so much, just stay home and get some cleaning done.  Seems that every time I plan to do this stuff on vacations and holiday weekends, then some stupid physical issue raises its ugly head.  That part truly annoys me.

I had charged a few things over the past couple of months.  Now, I am trying to wipe out those charges to see what is left of the monthly charges.  Then, I need to decide if those charges are really necessary.

It sort of sucks that I have not been able to get a mani/pedi since May.  However, I may be able to manage it next month.  I just hate how much it costs.  The last one I had was $100 and the manicure started chipping off within 2 hours.  I was not impressed.

Time to research where to get a decent mani/pedi that is safe and such.  I have to be careful with the care on my feet.  They are important.

Hoping to have all of this under control and sorted out before November.  The cash jar has not been so successful this year, but I hold out hope that next year will be better financially.  I will still work on using more cash.  That prevents me from using the credit cards as well as forcing myself to make real decisions on what I need and can do without.

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