Friday, December 7, 2012

End of a Long Week...

Most of the week, I have felt really run down and exhausted.  Today, feeling more energized than I can remember.  That seems to be some progress, but I don't want to jinx it.

Today is my "Friday" and I worked from home so that I could get a couple of things done.  First, I need time to get some courses for contingency planning done.  Second, waiting on the apartment maintenance to change out the lights in the stairwell.  I got quite a bit accomplished on my first item, but no one showed up to change out the lights.  Seems like there is some excuse that the maintenance makes for not coming in to do the work.  What kills me is that the apartment management will worry me to death over if I am happy.  No, not happy, but I cannot move.  Seriously thinking of hiring a "handy man", then giving the bill over to the apartment managers to pay because obviously, their maintenance staff is just too busy.

I met up with my friend, Random Cathy, for our new ritual:  mani/pedi, then dinner.  I love it!  I get to see her and hear about everything going on with her.  I always feel positive and uplifted after our ritual. 

I have been working diligently to take my meds as prescribed and measure my blood sugar.  Amazingly enough, my blood sugar after dinner tonight was 179!  Believe me - I was very excited about that considering I did have some rice.  Rice, bread, and other sweets just spike my blood sugar to no end.  Hope that trend continues - I will work hard to be more diligent on what I eat, but sometimes, I just have to have a piece of cake.  Thank goodness people make cupcakes.  :-)

I will retest my blood sugar in a few minutes.  I could not help myself tonight.  I had to run by Starbucks to get a grande Cafe Latte.  No sugar added, other than what carbs are in the milk.  I remember when I did not care too much for Cafe Latte, but now, considering it is better for me than Cafe Mocha (or even worse - Cafe White Chocolate Mocha), I really like it.

Today's "God wants you to know":

Today, we believe God wants you to know that ...

every day you are choosing either to be grateful or to be disappointed.

You can worry to no end about what you don't have. Or you can marvel at God's breathtaking gifts: the morning dew, the sun, the clouds, the trees, the flowers, the birds. Could you create any of these? These miracles of life are always around you, ready to be celebrated, ready to be welcomed into your life.

This reminded me of a few conversations I have had.  Why do I worry?  With work, I worry that someone will mess up something and for whatever reason, the problem comes back to me.  Not that I did anything wrong, but that they want explanations or have me clean up the mess.  I agree that if I caused the mess, then I most certainly should clean up/fix the issue.  However, when someone else does it, they should be responsible for doing the same.  We learn from our mistakes.  If everything is perfect, then we never learn the pitfalls for going outside the lines or process.

In life, I feel I have to get so much done.  All of it needs to be done "NOW!"  That is probably a huge misconception on my part.  Not everything has to be NOW.  It can wait, but don't let it slip by you.

I have my days where I like to sit on the balcony and just look at the clouds and think or watch the people going through their daily activities.  I see a lot of beauty, but I also see a lot of ugly, too.  I suppose the ugly should be part of the beauty of this world, but it is not something we really want to consider.

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