Tuesday, December 9, 2014

FitBit Challenges...

When it comes to physical activity, I have never been a "winner."  I was always taunted, due to my weight, in school for being slow.  That is probably why I hated physical activity - it was never fun for me.  I always had to deal with other kids making fun of me for being overweight, thus slow.  The only time I was truly wanted was for "tug-o-war" games.

When I got to high school, band allowed me to forgo the regular PE courses that everyone else I had to take.  By the time I quit band as a Senior, I no longer was required to have PE.  

In college, I was back to square one - having to run for my physical education credits.  During the course, the class was introduced to circuit and weight training.  There, I had some interest.  I had even lost some weight during that first semester, rather than gaining the "Freshman 15."

The second semester, I signed up for racquetball.  Very odd for me, I know, but I liked watching people play, so I wanted to try.  I was not great at it, but I loved it.  I could not wait to get to class and play, even though I lost a lot of games.  For me, it was a lot of fun and I did sweat a lot by running about that little room.  That summer, my parents allowed me to take racquetball again because I enjoyed it so much.

The Spring semester, I signed up to learn to play tennis.  Again, I have fond memories of playing tennis.  I was not the greatest, but I really enjoyed it.  Winning just was not important to me.  I just enjoyed hitting the ball and learning the game.

Recently, a friend I have known for awhile invited me to a FitBit Weekend Warrior challenge.  My first reaction was to back away, but I got to thinking about it.  The honest truth was that I needed motivation to make my daily step goal and recently, I just was not doing it.  I was not being active enough.

So, I have joined my "virtual" friends in doing various FitBit challenges.  My main goal is to motivate myself into making sure I, at the very least, get my 10,000 steps done each day.  Some days, I actually get into the lead position.  Not often, but when I do, I feel good about that day's progress.  I tried and got somewhere.  However, the big goal for me is to make sure I keep up a streak of doing 10,000 steps per day.

Maybe all of this activity has a positive effect on my attitude?

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