How time flies when you are having fun...
This year certainly has been a quick one - it is already December 27th and it is almost done. It has been an interesting ride. I feel I have been able to make some changes and keep them permanent. There are other aspects where the thoughts and theories fell apart.
I did manage to lose approximately 35 lbs from January to mid-March. I would say when I hit that mark, I got both discouraged and lazy. I began to start picking up weight. The discouragement became worse in June when I had the lower back issues and could barely walk. I had a very deep fear of exercising after that point. I cannot deny that.
At this time, I am sort of gliding into 2015 and just trying to maintain what I have. I will start over with being a bit more conscientious about exercising and eating better. It is very easy to slide back into horrible habits. I need to focus more on avoiding that sort of slippage.
Am I happier with myself? I would like to say that I am a stronger person. I am not going to hide from those things I have done wrong, but I am not going to beat myself up for it, either. Life is about learning from your mistakes. Knowing when you have done wrong, then how to correct that from happening again.
However, am I happier? I would say I am happier. I moved work positions into one with a hell of a lot less stress, for the moment. I think that makes me much happier. I do have my frustrations with the new position, but I remind myself from where I had been. I am grateful to be away from that.
Things I would change? Well, I did my adventure in being a hockey season ticket holder. While I realize that the Dallas Stars are not doing so well this season, I began to realize that the schedule can be a bit of a strain. I would do well with going to a game once or twice a week, but definitely not three times a week. Also, with the various bills, monetarily, it makes no sense to invest in season tickets again next year. I may do some special event games next year, but I won't be doing the season tickets until I am really ready.
I have loved having a personal trainer to help me with my goals. I have learned about a lot of various weight lifting exercises. Unfortunately, I either need to kick myself in the ass or drop the trainer if I am not achieving the weight loss goals I want. I love the trainer to death, so I know it is more me kicking myself in the ass to get what I want done. I definitely need to go to the gym more often and quit being so subconscious about it. I am there to help me - not be seen as a circus act. That is the piece I need to get into my head.
I find myself wanting to move away from materialistic things to enjoying experiences. Granted, I thought of making a list in OneNote detailing the materialistic things I would like to have some day. Not really a bucket list, but a list of those things I would like to have. At the same time, make a list of the experiences I would love to try. Right now, I will say - don't anyone suggest Ziplining - that simply is not going to happen. I have no interest.
Cash jar - what happened with that? Of all of the things I did, I successfully followed through with doing this and it turned out great. By the time Christmas was around, I had $1200 in cash. The part I need to work on regarding the cash jar is how and who I spent it. This year was actually my "Thank You" presents for those people who gave me presents when I did not have one to give to them. Basically, people I seriously do not know that well and are only in my life for a brief period. It was my last present to give to them as I do not wish anymore presents from them. I do not need any presents that are vanilla scented colognes or lotions as well as candy. Items that simply sit and gather dust are not of my use. I would prefer to get a simple gift card to a restaurant or movie theatre. For these people, I would prefer nothing at all because they do not owe me anything. We are not close family and I take that for what it is worth. I do not care what others think. Also, I think a lot like Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory, if I get a present, then you have that obligation to get the other person a gift. So imagine my uncomfortableness when I got presents of things I do not need and had nothing to give in return?
I think avoiding going to my parents' home for Christmas holidays would be a better fix for this issue. As I said, this year was my last year for presents to those I really do not know well. My close friends deserve better and I felt badly about that. That will be what changes next year. I will still do the cash jar because it does make sense. Also, it made me feel good about saving money.
Money problems? Well, not very happy with my debt at the moment, so some drastic changes have to be made. Between paying for medications for me and Chloe and both of us having to see doctors and have expensive bills, it has been an expensive year. So, to help me for the future, I am looking to do a spending fast.
Overall, it has been a very interesting year. I hope that next year I can bring about more positive changes. I will detail all of that in my January 1, 2015 post!
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