Saturday, March 14, 2015

Financial Monitoring Update...

Last week, I got my bonus and paycheck.  I took the bonus money and opened another checking account that is strictly used for the vet bills.  I felt really good about that.  

In regards to keeping an eye on my spending habits, Quicken has helped tremendously.  I finally got all of the sync kinks sorted.  I have removed a majority of my credit cards and that has helped enormously in curbing spur of the moment spending.

I still have that business of mulling over a loan to pay off the high credit card bills.  I know if I could pay off those bills, that would be a huge relief.  Also, getting that lower APR would be nice as well.

Still, I have to remind myself if I do this, it will affect my 401K.  I would like for this to be the only time I take out such a loan against my 401K.  I am hearing all of the reasons not to do this.  At the same time, I am looking to do something to make my life better.  This is not about buying a new car or TV.  So, this is not a decision I am lightly making.

One thing I want to get a handle on is grocery shopping.  I find myself buying more than I really need, even though I make out a list.  I have cut out buying a lot of meats in order to clear out my freezer.  I have been pretty good about staying out of the inside aisles, especially since that is the area for processed foods.

The changes I have made are small, but are starting to make some impact.  That helps me reinforce in my head how change will make a good difference.  Later today/tomorrow, I will go back over all my bills and see where the change is happening. 

This plan is making differences and I am starting to feel a little bit better about my own situation and the things I need to manage.  I did get a good chuckle yesterday.  A FaceBook/Live Journal friend posted "20 Things That Prove You Are Doing Better Than You Think".  One was paying all of your bills and having money left over for other things.

There you go...

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