Sunday, November 2, 2014

My "Novel" Idea...

At the beginning of this year, I had started working on a novel.  I figured, I should give writing a shot.  I do not feel I am much of a writer, but I do write on this blog.  I had started doing journals during my junior/senior year of high school.  I continued through college, then I got pretty sparse with it.

When I moved into my first apartment in 2001, somewhere along the way, I was introduced by a friend to LiveJournal.  I started "blogging" there.  When I met with Random Cathy, I moved from LiveJournal to here.  I wanted to make a break and look at rediscovering what I could change about myself.

Anyway, I started working on the outline and had some ideas.  Some days, I would be able to write quite a bit and other days, not so much.  Work required more attention, so the novel would get pushed to aside quite a bit.  I even signed up for an on-line writing course, which I was doing quite well in the beginning, but due to work, I ended up putting aside and never finishing.

I was scanning posts on Facebook the other day and one friend made the comment about having read a free book from and was fairly critical of the book.  What she discovered was that she could write her own novel and have it published as an e-book on  So, she asked her friend-list what to write.  My response was "Try anything."  Heck - you were so critical of what you read, why not write something similar and see if you can do better.  What is it going to hurt?  You have to accept the critics and their remarks - good or bad.

That got me to thinking, then I remembered back in my LiveJournal days, there was a competition that took place where the challenge was to write a 50,000 word novel during a month.  Ironically, another FaceBook friend posted the organization's name,  I reflected upon one friend taking the challenge and she had loads of fun doing it, even if she did not win.

So, today, I have signed up and decided to take that challenge as well.  I have to wonder - what is wrong with me accepting all of these challenges?  I may not win, but at least, I will have something out of it.  That is my philosophy.  It is not a challenge for me; it will be an adventure.  Do something I really have not seriously done - be out of my comfort zone.  Who knows what happens after that?

Time to get started - definitely using the MacBook Pro for doing the writing, then uploading to the web site.

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