Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Using Dieting As An Excuse...

Today, I went into the office to work.  Not because I can get more done, but because I need to spend a certain amount of time in the office.  I usually work from home on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  

I packed my lunch and made my way to work.  Before I got to work, I had already had my fill of people scheduling conference calls and either delaying them or not even canceling them as they were out for the day.  I had just dialed into a call as I was discovering that the requestor had scheduled time off and no one to cover.  I got an instant message from a co-worker.  She was asking if I wanted to go out for lunch - something homemade since it was a cold, dreary day.  I decided to forgo my packed lunch to spend time with this co-worker.

Once all conference calls were settled, we headed out for lunch.  There was a place that served homemade comfort food down the street from where we work.  As we were seated, I laughed and said I knew what my co-worker was going to order - chicken fried steak.  I know her all too well.  That was exactly what was on her mind to eat.  We both laughed.

After we placed our orders, she asked me why people won't go out to eat because they are on a diet.  She stated she knew I was trying to watch what I ate and understood, but I would go out to eat.  I sort of laughed about it by saying that the honest truth is I need to cut back on eating out so much and not just due to dieting.

My response to her question was basically this:

Most people, when they start changing their lifestyle, start being very strict on themselves.  I explained that by preparing my own meals, I have a greater control over what I eat.  I have measured it, observed what ingredients were used in the preparation, and know there are no surprises.  Also, I have noticed the savings I get in the end.  I am not spending $10-$15+ for eating a single meal.  

However, most people start off by being too strict and they set themselves up for failure.  The struggle is very real.  Some people have trouble with portion control.  Others tend to order a lot of fried food.  There is also the penchant for wanting something sweet after eating.  It all adds up

Other times, people will say that they are on a diet to avoid going out to eat at a particular restaurant or avoid certain people.  I admit, I avoid Indian food.  I have tried it about 4 times and 3 out of the 4 times, I sustained some nasty after effects.  Let's just say, I am not so keen to spend the rest of my afternoon in a bathroom stall.  So, a lot of time time, I would say I was on a diet or brought my lunch - my saving grace.

She actually thought that part was funny, but understood completely.  I mean, if you have tried it and 75% of the time you ended up not feeling well, it is best to leave well enough alone.  Besides, do I really need to be rude and say "No thanks - I rather not spend the rest of my afternoon locked up in a bathroom stall?"  Yeah, that does not go over very well.

For myself, I really try not to be too rigid regarding diet.  I do not mind going out to eat with my friends.  I just like to know in advance so that I do not pack a lunch and waste food.  The key to going out to eat is knowing the place you are going to eat and checking out the menu before you go.  I love doing this because it enables me to make proper choices.  Also, it speeds up the ordering process.  I know exactly what I want.

In the end, I told my friend not to get upset over it.  There are many reasons why people do not want to go out to eat.  You just have to accept it and understand that they do not want to hurt your feelings.

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