Saturday, November 28, 2015

How to Change My Life?

Last night, I watched The Fluffy Movie, which is a comedy show featuring Gabriel Iglesias.  In the beginning, he talked about visiting his doctor, getting diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, and being told that he only had 2 years to live.  He discussed his doctor sending him to see someone about gastric bypass surgery.  Due to this constant touring/traveling, he was not a candidate for the surgery.  Basically, he would need to adhere to a very strict diet program.

Before I saw the movie last night, I was driving around after seeing my doctor.  My weight had gone up to 311 and now, I had to worry if my liver and kidneys were functioning correctly.  I realized that my back, hips, and knees have been hurting since June 2014.  I have a YMCA membership and no good reason why I am not in there doing something.  Yes - my knee has issues, but when I am at physical therapy, I have to ride the bike for 10 minutes.  There is no reason why I cannot go to YMCA and do the same thing for 30 minutes each day.

Thanksgiving is over and I have limited left overs.  With the oven not working, maybe I can work on my portion sizing while using the convection oven.  I need to drink more water and lay off the sodas.  I do enjoy drinking tea, but it has to be unsweet tea.

During this time off from work, while clearing out the clutter and doing straightening, I need to get my head straight and begin some new focus.  There is no reason why I should not be going to the gym each day to ride the bike.  While it may not be walking, riding the bike will help me lose weight and possibly make my knee stronger.

I need to change my life.  I know a few people in my life that I would not want to turn out to be like.  I want to be happy, positive, and have the ability to let things go.  I allow too much to affect me and my self-esteem suffers from it.  I need to quit worrying about not being part of someone's life.  If they want me, then they make an effort.  If they do not make the effort, then I need to move alone and find happiness within myself.  Perhaps, that bothers me the most.  I need to be able to move forward and be at peace.

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