Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I have finally succumbed.  I have to have a pill organizer to help me remember that I have taken my medications.  I tried for years to do this on my own memory, but as I get older and more busy, I keep forgetting.

I neglected to take my medication last night because I was really dragging and decided to take the dogs to bed and lie down and rest.  I read about half the book Tell Your Time regarding time management.  The book is more about managing your personal time.  I have another book I am reading about time management, Time Management from the Inside Out by Julie Morgenstern.  I am trying to understand how to apply her system for work.  I bought the notebooks from Levengers and thought I might see if the system works for me or not.

Progress report on Simple Living - 30 Days to Less Stuff and Move Living.  I have made storage spaces in my cabinets for storing my stand mixer, blender, and slow cooker.  I actually use the coffee maker and toaster, so I am leaving those items on the counters.  I do have more real estate on the counters, but I am still working on this.  I am trying to set up an area for storing the few cook books I have.  I have to admit, I probably won't buy anymore cook books.  I have a note book that I write out recipes.

I still have a lot of work ahead of me, but I feel like I am getting somewhere with the apartment clutter.  Hoping this next weekend, I can get even more done.

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