Monday, March 31, 2014

Health Changes - Week 13

Honestly - I have been off the health change for 2 weeks.  Hardly making my 10,000 steps, but still trying to maintain eating healthy foods.  Still, I feel out of sorts. 

I got recharged after seeing my endo on Thursday.  He made me feel a lot more comfortable about my blood urea numbers.  He validated that I have no signs of kidney disease.  Also, he was quite happy about my weight loss.  I feel recharged to continue to eat better and exercise.  It is really important to do this.

The endo wants to ween me off of insulin shots and get me on a new medication that will not only work on my blood sugar, but also help me lose weight.  So, I must remember, these are only tools, not a way of life.  The thing that really keeps the weight off is eating right and exercising.

Personal trainer works really hard in making working out fun.  Last week, I worked out on a bonsu ball.  Basically, it is half a ball and you stand on it for balance.  Once I got my balance, which keeps moving around, I had to do squats and lift weights.  It was fun and she stated that I was doing really well.  I just need to make sure I make it to the gym to do a lot of these exercises.  I neglected to walk after my Thursday work out with the trainer.  I paid for that mistake.  My thighs and glutes have been aching all weekend.

I have also started drinking more hot tea.  I drink Twinnings Breakfast tea in the morning and Earl Grey during the day.  It is actually quite settling for me.  Also, I add honey for just a bit of sweet.  Also, I had read that if you use local honey, it can help with your allergies.  At least, it is not sugar substitute.  I am going to get rid of all sugar substitute in my apartment.  I really do not like it, but more over, I think it really makes me feel a lot worse.

So, I begin my 13th week with the meal replacement shakes.  I am going to cut up an orange and apple for my snacks.  I need to make sure that I drop enough weight before I go back into the endo's office in May.  It feels like a lot of work, but if I keep trying to make it fun, it will be fine.

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