Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Just When I Felt All Was Lost...

Been spending the day trying to shake the funk.  One of the things I wanted to get was the blood test results from the doctor's office.  At the endo's office back in December, my A1C number was 7.3.  It was lower than the previous reading of 8.7, and even lower than when I first visited the endo - 13.2.

I finally got hold of the doctor's office and I got the information I needed.  My A1C was 5.9.  Wow!  5.9!  I actually cried when I left work and got into my car.  In all of the years I have been managing this disease, I have never been able to get below 7.  This was a HUGE break through for me.

My Cholesterol was 116, Triglycerides 86. 

You have no idea how wonderful it feels to have made such drastic changes in my life and seeing these results.  Sure, I wanted to go celebrate with a huge piece of cheesecake.  I resisted the urge because my weight is still not where I want it. 

In 3.5 months, I have achieved so much and there was a lot of hard work and determination done.  Yes, I had my cheat days.  I needed those in order to feel normal.  I needed my occasional sweet, but constantly reminding myself to never over do. 

The hard part is about to start - making sure I keep those number in "normal" levels.  I am nowhere finished - I am just getting started.

God's Message to Me Today:

Today, we believe God wants you to know that ...

your friends are one of your greatest blessings.

Take time to spend time with them. Nurture them. Friends enrich your life immeasurably. They make good times better and hard times easier. Be good to your friends and love them well.

This is very true.  So many people I call my friend have been there cheering me on during all of this.  Getting the support has meant so much to me.  It is good to know so many people are on my side to get this weight off of my frame.  It means so much!

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